Monday, April 11, 2011


So my count down for Baby Boy Larson has been a count down of Mondays. How many more Mondays do I have left? After today that number is ONE.

Jimbo's count down for Baby Boy Larson has been a count down of paychecks (typical of my accountant hubby). How many more paychecks do we have until he arrives? ONE.

Ahhh - we're so close. I hope the day comes sooner rather than later. Then again, I keep getting warned, "Be careful what you wish for...."

But I can honestly say I'm just ready. I've read all the books, online articles, talked to my friends/family with kids. I'm ready to do this already! :)


  1. hey... that one finger in the air sure does look familiar! :) good luck with everything cam & jimmmmmay! can't wait to see pictures of baby boy!!!!!

  2. Hahahaha --- so true Shirra! Thanks for the sweet message, I can't wait to see him too! :)
