Monday, February 28, 2011

Showered with Love!

This past weekend I had a shower that my wonderful sisters gave me (Frannie, Joy & Tricia)! It was so much fun, and I was blown away by how generous and thoughtful all of my friends and family were. Here are just a few of pictures from the day's event:

The beautiful spread (pre-attacked by a bunch of hungry women!):

Posing with the hostesses with the mostest!:

Some of the Wed. Night Crew:

Gettin' to business with Fannie:

Cheryl with two of her three best buds (we missed ya Karen!):

Opening all the wonderful surprises:

Sandra & Robin:

 Everyone is mesmerized by my gift opening ability :) JK:

Some of the fam in the background:

All of the presents in the bassinet that Baby Boy will sleep in. This bassinet was made my grandmother and all four of us Howard chilin' slept in it, the Greer kids and all the grandbabies (on both the Greer and Howard side) have slept in - what a tradition!:


My mom, my big ol' pregnant belly and me (this picture was taken exactly at 32 weeks):

Mac & Igig... Just missing Narf!:

The day was so much fun, and I appreciated everyone who came out in support of not only me, but Baby Boy and Jimmy. We are so thankful for everyone in our lives right now!

Here are some pictures of the "loot" in Baby Boy's room that is slowly (but surely) coming along:

The crib filled with love:

The changing table, piled high:

I don't think Sadie's too sure of what's going on...? 

In addition to this fabulous shower - Jimmy's office threw us a shower a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I didn't get any pics of the event, but here is a picture of all the wonderful gifts we received - again, everyone was far too generous!

The next day I decided to be handy and to put together the swing all by myself:

The finished product, taaa daaaaa:

Can't wait to put all of these wonderful, fun little doo-dads to work with our little man in LESS than two months (7 weeks and 4 days to be exact)! Hard to believe that tomorrow I can say, "He'll be here next month!" :)

Oh, and I forgot to post this belly picture of me at 30 weeks:

The above picture wasn't "belly enough" for my photographer (aka Jimbo) so below is the official - side profile of me at 30 weeks:

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Look at all of the wonderful things for Baby boy!! :) So sweet...he'll be here and playing before you know it! You look fantastic and so happy...ahh so excited for y'all :)
