Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holy Hormones

Man have my hormones really kicked into gear in this wonderful, painless, fun last trimester (I'm hoping you can sense my extreme sarcasm).

I was pretty "hormone steady" the first two trimesters. Jimmy and I joked about how we both thought I was going to be "way crazier" than I have been, but I've been pretty mellow. In fact, more mellow than non-preggers... I wasn't all that emotional.... I wasn't the evil wife I've heard a lot of my friends became while preggers... I wasn't high one minute and low the next.

But the third trimester? Ha. That's a different story.

A couple weeks ago at church I cried three times. All for random reasons... First was early int he service -- an announcement about a church member who had passed (did I mention I had never met the man?). The next time was when two little boys came running out of nursery to their father saying, "Daddy" while we were signing the last hymn. The third? Ugh, I don't even remember...

The other Saturday night, we were eating dinner at my aunt's, Gigi's, celebrating her best friend's birthday, Caroline. Everything was delish, but the most exciting part was a sweet potato cake from Brick Street Cafe. Now, I don't like sweet potatoes but this is the most amazing cake I've ever had in my entire life. When it was dessert time mom passed out the slices. When I got my plate I was pissed.... I was literally MAD. Not upset, not annoyed, but MAD. I was mad that I got the smallest piece of cake out of everyone at the table. I kept thinking to myself, "Man. The ONE thing I can splurge on. All these fools are sipping their wine, having a good ol' time. All I want is a big piece of cake.... but no. I can't even have that." At the time I knew I was acting crazy, but my knowledge of the crazy didn't help, I was still mad about it all night. But I did succeed in keeping it to myself. The next morning I called up Joy and told her about it. She died laughing and told me I needed to 'fess up. Which I did, and I probably will never live down. :)

So little boo-boo head... Your mama is getting more and more ready for you to make your debut. I know I want to keep you in there as long as possible, but I hope these next 66 days go by as quick as possible! ... for my sake, your daddy's sake... let's just be honest - EVERYONE'S sake! :)

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