Saturday, October 6, 2012

Edisto Family Fun!

So I have just recently plugged the ol' camera up to my computer, so I have some major summer recapping to get on to, but for the meantime, here are a bunch of photos from our Larson/Kircher trip to Edisto this past weekend. It was so much fun! Grammy and Grandpa not only spoiled Jamesy but Jimmy and I too! Unfortunately this app on my phone jumbles the photos, so sorry for the order and lack of captions!

... But you gotta agree -- James gets cuter every. single. day.

We had such a great, relaxing time spending time and building memories. We found lots of shells. James sorted them. James got LOTS of attention from not only mommy and daddy, but especially Grammy and Grandpa. Jimmy and I both got caught taking a snoozes while some little wild boy was napping. ;)

It was a great trip. I just love family fun! :)

Bye, bye Edisto... Until next time!

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