Saturday, September 7, 2013

Brotherly Love

So in all honesty I was extremely nervous about James acting out when Wyatt came home. I've heard terrible stories and with the amount of energy James has, I was extremely worried about that energy working against me.... BUT, I gotta say.... James has blown me away with how incredible he has been with Wyatt.

As soon as I get him up in the mornings or after nap he immediately asks, "Where's my baby brother?!"

When I'm with Wyatt in his room changing his diaper (or why have you) and Wyatt starts crying, James literally drops whatever toy is in his hand, runs in while muttering, "need turn music on.... My baby brother crying.... Need turn music on..." And he goes to this toy elephant that is in Wyatt's room and pulls the tail to play music.

He loves "rocking" Wyatt, holding him, "giving" him pacies and even singing him songs (his two favorites are itsy, bitsy spider and twinkle little star).

In the picture below I had Wyatt napping in his swing in the den. My mom had the genius idea of using the baby gate to keep Wyatt out of reach from James (I think having four children taught her a few tricks!).... Well when he discovered he was separated from "his baby Wyatt" he ran upstairs got his tool box and said "Need fix gate. Need go see my baby brother." And he literally worked on the ate for 5-10 minutes. Silly boy!

I'm so thankful for silly James and his big heart:

.... and for my little nugget Wyatt and all his snuggles (and grunts! Ha):

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