Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Can we please freeze time???

So there has never been a time in James' life that I have ever wanted to freeze time as badly as I do right now. He is the absolute cutest, funniest, sweetest, wildest little guy and I just love him to pieces.

To illustrate these extreme adjectives, I've posted some of my favorite James-isms as of right now.... Enjoy!

"Mamaaaa.... Hold you! Hold you, mama!" (He says this when he wants me to hold him bc whenever he used to act like he wanted to be held I would say, "you want me to 'hold you?'" Silly boy:)

"Mama cashuel! Cashuel, mama..." Whenever he builds he wants me to help him build a castle.

"Sadie good girl."

"Play truck, dada! Play truck!" It doesn't matter what James is doing when Jimbo gets home from work - he always runs up and squeals this as soon as Jimmy walks through the door.

"Dada, plaaaaaaaay.... Mama? Plaaaaaay....!" He exclaims this from the steps while Jimmy and I are cleaning up the dishes after dinner. Patience is not is forte.

Lately he has mastered the sweetest hugs where he wraps his arms around your neck and holds on tight. One of my favorite parts of being his mom is getting those daily! :)

Just this morning I sneezed twice (thanks sinus infection) and James yelled from his high chair, "Bess you mama! Bess you!"

"Dada, tent." He is rather bossy these days, haha.... I guess that's his "first born" in him but he loves for Jimmy to play with him in that tent (picture is an example of him in this tent).

"Mama, off." Yes, my son is bossy and a wee bit demanding but whenever I get on the phone now he walks up and says this. :)

"Call Dada/Nana/FeeFee!" He knows I talk to these three every morning so he loves getting in on the action.

"Kisses?" "Hug" After I put him in bed for either nap or bed he stands up and says this until he gets one more of each, but does he get just one? I don'ttttt thinnnnnk sooooo :)

"No bark, Sadie!" (Yes I've trained him well-ha!)

So on Sunday we went to church and when we went to pick him up the lady started dying laughing and explained to Jimmy and I that he wasn't ready because he "had" to put all his toys away. Sure enough we peeked in and he was running his little legs back and forth putting all the toys up. Ha!

Running - that is the only mode of transportation this child knows. He runs every where and is always ready to play, play, play! No wonder he naps for 3 hours a day, and gets a full 12+ hours of sleep at night. He needs it!

So time... Please freeze in this moment. I want to cherish it. Thanks:)

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