Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Program, compliments of the Greenville Cuz

Thank you Greenville cuz for a fantastic program today! James and I had so much fun going to see Gracie and Adeline perform at their school's Thanksgiving Program. I was bummed because I couldn't seem to find my camera, so I brought the video camera, which turned out better than the still -- because they were just too dern cute! Here are all five videos, enjoy....

One regret I have of today.... Right after one of my quick "takes" I turned off the camera and Gracie yelled out, "Mammaaaaaa.... Go take your seat!" and started pointing at the pews (Joy was the great mama taking pictures right up front in the aisle.)

It was too cute, and so much fun. Thanks for a great time Greenville cuz! :) Oh.. and sorry for my sloppy videotaping. Somethin' is betta than nuthin'!

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