Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My nephew is a cutie...

So I was exploring the wonderful, semi-stalker-esk world of Facebook when I came across this adorable picture of my oldest nephew, Hamilton, who is turning three on Friday. Goodness gracious that boy has gotten so big so fast!

I remember the day we found out Hamilton was in Tricia's belly... it was a bitter-sweet day because it was the same day we found out my wonderful grandfather, who had been very sick, passed away.

I remember thinking, it is amazing how God works in mysterious ways... When one loved one leaves us, another is on the way....

I remember the day he was born... Fran and I had called Tricia to see if she wanted to meet us for lunch at her favorite place - the Mediteranean Tea Room... Well, she didn't answer... but our big-brother Craig-ee-poo called us back.

Craig: "Uhh... well, um... Tricia might be in labor."
Me: "WHAT?! What do you mean she might be in labor?!"
Craig: "Well... we don't know for sure, but she has been having contractions through the night, and they are speeding up."
Me: "Ahhh! Fran and I are on the way"

I don't remember if that is exactly how the conversation went down, but it was something to that extent. Most of the fam was there that day, and it was such a wonderful, happy, awesome day.

We all couldn't stop staring at this beautiful baby... And furthermore, that is when I realized... my brother was no longer "Craig" but he was now a daddy... I love the picture below, it was truly love at first sight!

Hamilton is trulya sweetie pie with big blue eyes, blond curly hair, tons of energy and a smile that can get away with anything!

In addition, Hamilton is now -- not only a big brother -- to Alexander, aka Zan, who was born in April of this year, but a protective big brother... Mom was joking with Hamilton a couple weeks ago and called Mr. Zan the Man a butter-ball because that sweet little boy likes to eat! And Hamilton got very defensive and said, "No Nana! He's a bab-yyy!" :-) Too cute for words...

Here's to keeping the memories...

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